Rose’s View, Cherry Grove: “We’ll Meet Again”

At Cherry Grove Community House Theatre, the cast of “Wasted” surrounding Bob Levine.
Photo courtesy of Robert Levine.

Sunday was quiet in Cherry Grove after the Pines Party concluded. Those who went slept all day and returned to the closing party until 8 p.m. The party was a fundraising success, breaking prior records. The music, costumes, atmosphere, and crowds were spectacular. The proceeds were given to LGBTQ+ organizations.

The Cherry Grove Garden Club has announced its Bake Sale at the Community House on Sunday, September 1, at 11 a.m. Bakers are asked to donate a favorite dessert. Volunteers will accept baked goods at the

Richie Massacusa had his Broadway friends as guests on their one mid-week day off from appearing in “Chicago”- Marty Lawson, a cast member, and Mary-Claire King, who plays Kitty Boo as well as being a “Cover” for Velma,  enjoyed  Cherry  Grove attending a show, dinner and visited Roseland.

Speaking of “Chicago,” Skie Ocasio is producing his last Drunk Musical for 2024 at the Ice Palace on September 12, “All That Hooch.” The cast includes Luis Villabon, Nicolas King, and Rose Levine.

Jamie Brickhouse appeared at the Cabaret Thursday  Night at the Community House. His stories about his life, growing up as a Gay man, were quite interesting.

Lois and Dave Ritz entertained 150 guests at their 50th anniversary party.

The Arts Project will have its last Roof Top Tea dance this season on August 31 and September 1.

“Cherry Grove Treasures,” a variety show featuring past  Homecoming Queens with other special guests, Dan Daley as Musical Director, and produced by Matt Baney on September 1, at 8 p.m.

The Lynn Lewis Foundation held its annual successful Fundraiser for Breast Cancer at Cherry’s, featuring many Grove entertainers.

Brian Rubin and Justen Morrow were  in Cherry Grove interviewing a few celebrities from the Grove for their new Podcast “Dads and Daddies.”

Cherry’s also hosted a beautiful tribute to Johnny Poole, a bartender/ mixologist for 50 years in Cherry Grove. Elvis Duran and Wanda Sykes were among the crowded audience members. Entertainers and speakers were plentiful with fun and interesting tidbits about Johnny.

September 13-15 is the 2nd Annual Trans-Celebration Weekend in the Grove at the Community House. For more information, see flyers posted in town.

A Lesbian Pleasure party and filming by Artist Samantha Nye will take place at Belvedere on September 19, with a rain date of September 20.
The Fire Department’s annual end-of-season dinner will be held in Oakdale on September 21. On Sunday, September 22, the Arts Project will substitute their annual Ball with a Brunch. The theme is “Does Anyone Still Wear a Hat?” Flyers with details will be posted. Rose Levine will appear at Green Room 42 in NYC on October 22. Have a happy fall and winter. See you all again soon.