It’s hard to believe Memorial Day has passed! Hope yours was as memorable as ours, as we took a moment to thank those who served. We also thanked our volunteer firefighters, who keep us safe at all times. The DPFD held an open house to demonstrate how to put out fires and proudly show off their equipment. Don’t forget to support them and all our volunteers: next up, CRAB brunch on June 9 to benefit the beautification committee, which just held two amazing plant sales. Thanks Marlene, Lorraine, Brian, Kathy LaGuardia, and all the volunteers who keep our slice of heaven even lovelier, to the community for supporting, and the ferry company for transporting!
The kick-off to summer has been a ton of fun. If the Pirate Ship Playground ribbon cutting was any indication, the giggles will continue all season. So many community members came out to toast a revival of the Sixish, genius brainchild of Friends of Davis Park, spearheaded by Brian and Liz, Lee and JT, Billy and Shauna, with the ribbon cut by Councilman Neil Foley. Many thanks to Jayne Robinson, Marlene Sklar, and Brian Campbell for making this dream come true. This is a joint effort and labor of love; we can’t wait for future generations to climb aboard!
All the festivities have been a great opportunity to catch up on news, and oh baby, is there news. Should I say oh baby baby baby? Effervescent Emerson Yarborough made her beach debut on Mother’s Day, riding the ferry with little Thomas Smith, a/k/a Smitty Jr., with mom Lauren for a day trip, but spent her first night of many more to come over the long weekend at mommom Patti’s house with mommy Ali and dad Chris. We also got to see lovely little Laine Poppy Suhr, with moms Paige and Alyssa, out for her christening at the church with Pop Bob, Mimi Jen, Grandma Jane, Great-Grandma Betty Popdan and godparents Allie Kimmel and Matt Green. Little Laine had a busy weekend, heading next to the DPFD open house where she demonstrated her driving (and cuteness) skills.
Sadly, we also learned of Gerry Benson’s passing. Gerry was not only a great guy, a wonderful husband to JoAnne and dad to Lisa and Steve, he was legendary in his early days as a grouper. Gerry had true community spirit and along with JoAnne could often be seen picking up trash around town. He will be missed.
Please send along your tips, tattles and tidbits — see you around the walks! DPRidgeFI@gmail.com