DAVIS PARK, East Enders: Thank the Helpers!

Davis Park Fire Deptartment
Thank the DPFD, DPA, ferry, businesses, elected officials , and all the volunteers who make it happen!
Photo by Lisa Daglian.

Happy July, hope everyone had a wonderful Independence Day! The July 4 Parade is behind us column-wise, but not as of this writing. Knowing how much work is put into it by all the marchers and the organizers, it’s appropriate to give a massive shout-out of thanks to everyone who bedazzled their wagons (and children), marshaled the marchers, and ran the barbecue (DPFD members!), supported the funding, permitting, prizes and overall operations (DPA, couldn’t make it happen without you!), those who generously donated prizes (Ferry, Harbor Store and Casino, you’re the best!), contributed to the barbecue and festivities (Lisa Rose and family and other community benefactors), prize wagon painter Evelyn Palladino, and of course, our Grand Marshal Neil Foley and the host of judges. Stay tuned for photos!


Taking photos throughout our wonderful weekends is a great way to meet new buddies and catch up with longtime friends. It’s also a great excuse to wander into a crowd and yell “Say Cheese!” Linda and Steve were very obliging in response to our request, even though it meant a distraction from Mean Machine on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, which they were spending with their sons, their friends, and a few hundred of their closest compatriots at the Caz. Danny, Heather, Jimmy Kim, Patti, Jaqui, and Dani were also spotted. Likewise, Ed, Dave, Lenny, Jeff, and Mike sat a little taller in their beach chairs to observe their tenth-ish annual guys’ weekend celebrating Father’s Day. We only regret we missed Larry, who was but a daytripper. Tremendous smiles came to Nicolai and his beautiful wife Candice’s faces, dining with adorable sons Dryden and Dimitri – night owls all!


Though interrupting an intense drill in Ocean Ridge, a crew of stalwart Davis Park Fire Department members were kind enough to stop to be memorialized (after properly putting away their equipment, Chief, I promise!). With Incident Commander Bill Schatz and Chief Craig Beane at the helm, the workhorse “7-Truck” was ably staffed by Jon Brown, Neil Robinson, Bob Popdan, Doug Cibuls, and Joe Vivinetti. At the same time, the “9-Truck” was being drilled with Jim Cush, Richie Mellace (congrats on passing your test!), Michael Calabrese and Arnold Gibbs. Holding down HQ was First Assistant Chief Fil Kefalas, supported by Linda Firpo, running the radio room. This was only a drill, but drills are critical to knowing what to do should our volunteers encounter the real deal. Many thanks to all! Please remember to support the DPFD with 400 Club Raffle Tickets and the July 4 Basket of Cheer. Both are available at the firehouse and the Post Office. While you’re there, don’t forget to buy stamps! Check out Story Time too!


Become part of this story and send your tips, tattles, and tidbits to DPRidgeFI@gmail.com. This is our community’s column, and although I do try, I can’t be everywhere. But you can. See you around the walks, say cheese!