East Enders DAVIS PARK: Skeeter Patrol

Davis Park ferry
A motley crew from Davis Park heading to an undisclosed location for a birthday bash.
Photo by Lisa Daglian

To paraphrase the artist Mundy, in his appropriately named song “July,” “Oh my my my, July, looks like another perfect day!” We’ve had a lot of those, with beautiful beach days and saucy sunsets, full of parties and family gatherings, visitors from near and far, and (shhhh) not too many of those pesky flying things. We can thank Brian and Charlie of Vector Control for keeping them at bay, with spraying continuing Thursday evenings through the summer, and Kathie Howe for again ensuring the sprayers get where they’re going. Tell your renters and guests to stay off the walks when they see the vehicle coming so they can complete their appointed rounds. You can also do your part by clearing standing water where you see it. We know it isn’t perfect, so tell us your secrets for keeping the skeeters away so we all can play!


Play is something we do so well, as this rundown writer knows so well! The birthdays have been amazing, with Jake Miraglia, joined by girlfriend Briana, parents Erin and Damon, and sister Ava, with friend Katie, celebrating in fine and fun style that included appearances by special guests Deb and Guy, and Danny D, back from his adventures. We hope to see more of them all! Fil’s fabulous adventure continued with a visit from daughter Maria, son-in-law Derek, and granddog Denver. Jake Foley was surprised (of course he was!) for his big-30 by still newlywed wife Leighann, along with mom Lorraine and Daddy-O John, with a daytime extravaganza at the Caz. They were also celebrating Leigh’s sister’s milestone birthday. Special guest appearances by Ali and Chris, sans Emerson; Michaela, Jamie and Alex – along with Kevin, on the wrong side of the bar; the Grubes; and a host of us who happened by, including the Bates (nice to see Georgia!); Linda and Angelo, guesting with Jacki and Dani; Hank – visiting with Ashley and Bruce’s brother and sister; and Kim and Joe Pino, with cousin Kerry, continuing to cheer on Joseph’s graduation. We also ran into the Nicks from Kismet, visiting Davis Park for the first time. We’ll be sure to return the favor one of these days! After an amazing fundraiser for Councilman Neil Foley, hosted at the Casino Café and attended by many thankful Davis Parkers. We squeezed in a wine and olive oil tasting that Anthony from Wine Cellars Imports treated us to at the Harbor Store. YUM! We missed Story Time at the Post Office, but you shouldn’t – check it out on a Tuesday at 11 a.m.!


Unfortunately, not only joyful things bring us together. A small gathering was held to celebrate Thelma Dixon’s life, to raise a glass and share a few stories to remember our friend and neighbor. Thelma, we miss you!


That’s it for this week, but we’ll be back soon. Send your tips, tattles, and tidbits to DPRidgeFI@gmail.com. See you around the walks!