East Enders DAVIS PARK: The Davis Crew’s Cruise

Painting the Park Pink and then onto Ocean Beach where birthday adventures begin.
Photo courtesy of Lisa Daglian.

As much as we all love our Davis Parks paradise homes, sometimes we need to get away — but why go alone when 120 of our closest friends can join the fun? That’s exactly what we did when the Friends of Davis Park organized three water taxis to Ocean Beach on July 13 for a four-hour tour of fun, food, and fabulousity as we sipped, shopped, and gazed in wide wonder at all the town has to offer. It helped that some of us (me and Linda Walsh!) were celebrating birthdays and that we met other celebrants along the way as we enjoyed specials at The Dunes, Sand Bar, Matthew’s (happy 50th!!), and the Albatross while going off from the herd to check out CJ’s and Houser’s. Many thanks to Lee and LT, Bill and Shauna, Brian and Liz, Maureen and everyone who made the day so fun and memorable. This birthday girl’s crew included hubby Fil, Kass, Crista, Felice and Mike, Patti, Danny, Jeff (missing Giselle), Peggy and Ellen, Heather, Nancy, and Jen, and everyone else we could gather in our wake. It was so fun to see so many people in a different place, and then we all trotted back to our home away from home at the Caz, truly the loveliest place on Earth.


The fun didn’t end when the boats dropped us off and with happy hour(s) over. Fabulous Fil engineered a stupendous dinner with help from friends Ginger (Mrs. Chief) Beane and our new friends from the Grove FD, Tony, Ryan, and Patrick. While some toddled home after the festivities, others showed our new friends how Davis Parkers spend their evenings. We’ll see them when we take our next Friends trip, on August 10, to the Grove. Stay tuned for details! In the meantime, enjoy the upcoming movie nights in the playground.


Of course, we don’t just play there; the beach is our oyster, and it was terrific to see Peter, Jack, Eddie, Julius, and Jeff enjoying a competitive game of bocce with Elsa as Julie and Ben cheered them all on. We perched with our crew — which grew to include Paula and Gary Chambers, just ending their enjoyable stay. We also got to see Mark and Maura (with brother Terrence) before they took off for their wedding and honeymoon in Ireland; we’re thrilled for the happy lovebirds and wish them all the best!


Huge thanks for making my big day so special to Kass and Serena (in absentia), Fil, and everyone who came together to make me feel like a princess in pink, including the fantastic cast and crew at the Casino. You are true, Davis Park diamonds!


That’s it for this week, but we’ll be back soon. Send your tips, tattles, and tidbits to DPRidgeFI@gmail.com. See you around the walks!