The East Enders DAVIS PARK: Ice Cream and Cosmos

Photo by Lisa Daglian_DPFD _Chief_Linda_Spencer
Welcome home, Chief!
Photo by Lisa Daglian.

It’s hard to believe it’s mid-August in Davis Park already. We have so much going on and so much more summer to enjoy. It’s a good thing those of us in the know refuse to hang up our beach towels until well into October (some say November), so let the adventures continue!


What good is an adventure without your friends and family along for the ride? This summer, we’ve spent much time celebrating and commemorating our times — and adventures — together. The DPFD held its annual Memorial Rock Dedication Ceremony to honor members lost over the past year at a lovely event that included reading the names. It was attended by family members and friends, and the whole community was invited to participate. This year, Tom Sutherland, Paul Young, Michael Allan, Terry Springhorn, and Bill Mauck joined the growing list of entries on the rock across from the Fire House. Ex-Chief Linda Spencer read off the names of all the members who had departed after chaplain John Newhall led the convocation. Commissioner Steve Clifford reminded us of the contributions of Commissioner Jim Smith, whose name will be added to the firehouse wall of honor. We appreciate all of you! A lovely celebration of life and camaraderie was held immediately following, always a good time to catch up with ex-Chief Matt Jones and future Chief Fil Kefalas. Chief Craig Beane demonstrated the proper technique for making baked stuffed clams to Anthony Vivinetti, who captured the beasts. A lovely Sunday Funday followed at the Caz, with Paul, Ara, Bill, Shauna, Jim, Erin and Damon, Crista, Jeff, Kristin, Jimmy and Kim (happy 33rd anniversary!), Cory, Lori, and well, you should check out a Sunday for yourself!


We also celebrated a great day for Cosmo — the cat, of course! Upon the occasion of his second decade, human Nancy held her annual Ice Cream Social to great acclaim with superb homemade flavors ranging from “mystery” to toffee Heath Bar Crunch to Sugar-Free Toasted Coconut to Vanilla (Ginger) Bean(e), to high praise and yum-yums all around. Seeing Susan Shockett and Kathryn out for the festivities was great, with Alice Maison as the trivia award wrangler. Cosmo mostly slept through it. Neighbors came from far and wide, from the Grubers to the Wolksteins. Sorry, no leftovers!


Not every weekend can be ice cream and Cosmos. Sometimes we celebrate music too. Jules and crew put on a stupendous show on the Pino deck, where we got to catch up with Rich and Bryce about Dome days gone by.


We also got to see neighbor Jim and his band, The Flatleavers, in Watch Hill. What a fun time! A bunch of us hoofed it over, including Patti, Ali and Emerson, Kass and Kerry Ann, Paul, the McCarthys, Peggy and Ellen, Maggie and Nancy. They’ll be back, and so will we!


More adventures await this summer. Send your tips, tattles and tidbits to See you around the walks!