The Kismet Community Association held it’s annual Spring Meeting on Sunday, June 2. Although budget estimates for the coming year are positive, there are still a significant number of homeowners who have not joined KCA. We were introduced to three new homeowners who have joined and were present: John, Robin, Jen, Joe and Scott in “Way Way Yonder;” Sidney and Frank Moss in John Altieri’s former home (John recently purchased the former ‘X Mayer’ home on East Lighthouse); and Hal and Nancy at 97 Pine.
Apparently, the port-a-potties in use last year may be missing this season, as the Kismet Fire Department’s lawyer will not be issuing an easement for positioning on their property. Sam reported the new lights on Maple and Burma are very popular and hopes to add some to the playground area, which is very dark at night. He expressed concern about a new “pedicab” operating between Kismet and Field 5. While fully state and federally permitted, Kismet was never involved in the decision-making. While potentially useful to homeowners, it also makes access easier for less welcome visitors such as underage drinkers. Sam also said Kismetians and visitors needing the Courtesy Cart should continue to call his office.
Kismet is in need of new garbage cans and maintenance on the police hut. The Kismet Historical Society, now a 501(c) 3 corporation, will host a fundraiser in September. Residents may bring photos, with captions and dates, for scanning by Long Island University, which has received a grant to digitalize materials in up to 80 local historical societies across Long Island. The Kismet Historical Society will be the fourth community on Fire Island to request these services, perhaps including living history interviews. The Kismet Fire Department Auxiliary (KFDA) reported plans for the upcoming Kismet Day on July 20. Block captains will be soliciting donations for the Super Raffle that was so popular last year.
Anyone wishing to attend the CPR class on June 22, should contact Patty Lyon. Yoga and Pilates will continue at the Firehouse. There is now a 311 number for non-emergency police calls. Problems with the walks continue: Loose concrete on East Lighthouse before the over-walk and poor drainage on several streets. Elliot stated the new FINS superintendent will be holding four open house meetings in Saltaire and Ocean Beach. Kismet Association elections will be held at the fall meeting. Early nominations include Wendy Schou for secretary, as Chris Rosenblum is stepping down; and Marsha Hunter for president.
Sadly, we have learned that Lynn Goiella of “Camelot” passed away on June 3. She felt ill on the drive home from Kismet. Jerry Scheinman drove her to Metropolitan Hospital. She was later transferred to Bellevue where she succumbed. Lynn was a “Camelot” resident for a number of years. She won the 50-50 raffle at last year’s Kismet Day, and planned to donate a significant portion back to Kismet Fire Department. I will post memorial information after Madonna meets with her sister.
The weekend of June 7 was a big one for Kismet Fire Department members. Weekly weekend drills have been standard for five years or longer. Last Friday evening, the West End Mutual Aid group (Kismet, Saltaire and Fair Harbor) held a search and rescue drill at our old firehouse, which they “smoked up” to simulate a possible real-life situation.
“We try to make the simulation as close as possible to the real thing,” Gary L. told me. “Drills happen at night because that’s when most fires break out.”
Afterwards, dinner was served in the firehouse by KFDA members. It must have been an aromatic experience: Marge Fiore told me Mike was stinking with smoke. The Annual Installation Dinner was held Saturday night for members and guests. Dominic Bertucci continues as chief, Cody Baker as first assistant chief and Harry Guntis as second assistant chief. Buddy Schumacher is secretary and Linda Nowachek is treasurer. Larry Cole received a 40-year service pin. (Unfortunately, my pictures of arriving guests and Belmont fans at Kismet Inn were accidentally deleted from my SD card – bad on me.)
There was also a memorial service for Gerry Field, Tommy and Jimmy’s mother, on the mainland. She and her husband, Dudley, were long-term year-round residents and very involved with KFD. Joann Scellato was visiting with Lauren for the service, and “to wiggle my toes in the sand.”
Riley Cole had a super birthday celebration with friends and relatives and, most exciting, a real bounce house. My apologies to Kai Sitone who I mistakenly tagged as Ian in my June 7 column’s picture of Kai with his Seabay pals, Lydon and Riley.
A shout out to Warren Boyd Wexler for his wonderful, heartfelt letter to the Fire Island News in the June 7 issue about the pending tragedy of deer “culling” on our island. There is still a court case pending and the Fire Island Wildlife Foundation is planning a rally and petition drive later in the summer. More updates to come.
The next events are CPR at the firehouse on June 22 and the Annual Burger Cookoff on the beach on June 29. Check out the picture of Mark N., happy consumer at last year’s Cookoff.