Kismet Kapers: KCA Meeting Updates

Vic, Dawn and Gary birthday cake
Vic, Dawn, Gary, and the birthday cake.
Photo by Bradlee White.

Kismet residents rushed to grab a reservation and then a seat on the “Stranger” to attend Northwell Health Hospice Care Network’s benefit dinner honoring Amy and Sam Wood for spearheading the raising of a record $129,000 for children’s services. Our documentarian, Kim, posted great pictures of the event and honorees. Tim Mooney’s band provided entertainment.


The Kismet Community Association (KCA) met on a recent blustery Sunday. Amid the usual topics were Pedicabs (reduced to 3, stopping at the old Fire House,) garbage (Islip visitors bring a mess, Islip Town should clean it up, they probably won’t – at least not on a timely basis—so we should continue.) Kismet’s “Carry In, Carry Out” beach policy has proved to be the most effective way to deal with trash there. Sam reported that, with the volunteer fencing in 2022, Kismet beaches lost only 5% of sand compared with the devastation on other community beaches this year. Here’s a big shout-out to those volunteers who devoted several Saturday mornings to this intensive labor.

Kismet will soon celebrate its 100th Anniversary: The Weiss brothers bought land and formed the Kismet community in 1925. There may be a “no-bang” light show and other Anniversary events over the summer and fall: The planning committee is looking for volunteers. Mike McElwee, newly appointed Representative for Islip Town District 3 Constituent Services, was introduced and spoke enthusiastically of working with the KCA and Kismet’s Warren Lem, our new “Street Improvement District Commissioner,” on issues such as drain cleaning on our walks.

Chief Cody announced a New York State grant for new firefighter training and the appointment of Janet O’. as our Fire District Commissioner. He urged all homeowners to check their smoke alarms and extinguishers and ensure that house numbers are visible in case of emergency.

Pickleball will be coming to the basketball area of the tennis courts soon.

Dawn also brought cake to share honoring Gary’s 70th birthday.


Kismet League for Animal Welfare (KLAW) is marking its 3oth Anniversary when a small group of women began baking and selling pastries and “Felix” t-shirts to fund an ongoing, intensive volunteer spay-neuter effort. The traditional KLAW bicycle raffle is now open, thanks to the help of Ernie B. who assembled the bike. Tickets are now on sale (1 for $5, 5 for $20) with the drawing to be held July 7 at the Independence Day Parade and Kismet Fire Department Barbeque.


The Kismet Fire Department Auxiliary has arranged for fresh corn and tomatoes from out East to be brought here for sale, a Bake Sale is planned for July 13, and Mah Jongg and Bingo at the Fire House will begin soon. The annual Sandcastle building contest will take place on July 6.