OCEAN BAY PARK: Butterflies, Olympians, and Pirates

Girls selling shells on Fire Island beach.
She sells seashells on the seashore!
Photo by Barbara Gaby Placilla.

Where did July go? It seems like we were just watching fireworks! Thus far, this has been a hot summer jam-packed with events and activities, and being the eternal optimist, I feel the best is yet to come.

The first meeting of the newly formed Ocean Bay Park Garden Club occurred on Sunday, July 15 at Nonda Volpe’s beautiful garden on Cayuga. Nonda’s is one of the few remaining original houses in OBP and is a snapshot in time. It looks like it was picked up and moved from Point o ’Woods, which it borders. This was an opportunity to meet fellow gardeners and share tips and experiences. It was suggested that we research how to start and become a registered Monarch Butterfly Waystation. Those of us who have spent many years on Fire Island remember the days when the air was full of the monarchs as they started their annual migration. I commend Erie Street’s George Izzy for being the only male member among the 15 and invite other men to join the group!

Speaking of POW, a group of OBP FD members visited the Point O’Woods Fire Company to see their new rig. Those who are familiar with the fire service know that these fire trucks are custom-built to navigate the narrow roads, unpaved sandy areas, and the many other firefighting challenges that Fire Island poses. Most people don’t know that the big yellow truck that OBP FD operates was modeled after a French-designed garbage truck due to its ability to turn in tight areas.

The OBP Community Events Committee held its first summer beach party on July 20. The committee is now planning a volleyball tournament and is seeking players. The location is to be determined. All skill levels are welcome. You can sign up and get more info on their FB page or at obpcommunityfun@gmail.com .

For some OBP residents, the summer of 2024 has been a globetrotter. Rachelle King is back from a trip through Southeast Asia. Jim Williams is 1st Assistant Chief of the OBP FD but he is also a professional videographer. He is off to the Paris Olympics to provide camera work for Sean Claffey who is directing a documentary on the efforts of four Iranian athletes who are members of the IOC Refugee Olympic Team. They will be working with journalist, author, and human rights activist Poppy Farsijani. OBP’s favorite young actor, Sterling Sandow, is attending equestrian camp in Tipperary, Ireland, but his mom, Tamara, assures me that he will be back in time for auditions for the Seaview Shakespeare Players production of “Romeo & Juliet.”

Aargh, Mateys! Get your pirate gear together and save the date for the OBPA Community Fair on August 17. Signs are already posted.