OCEAN BAY PARK: Snowbirds Return

OBP Launches Summer 2024
Row boats docked bayside in Ocean Bay Park, with the Great South Bay as a backdrop.
Photo by Barbara Gaby Placilla.

Welcome back to all our Fire Island friends and family and the new friends we hope to make this season. While most of our snowbirds have returned from Ocean Bay Park South — officially Nettles Island, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, and other points south, Tom Byrnes and Robbie Harris decided to take a slight detour and cross “the Pond.” They set sail from Fort Lauderdale on a two-week trans-Atlantic crossing, ending in Southampton where they will visit Robbie’s UK family before flying back.

Even though there may be a traditional beginning and end of summer, for many people, the time they spend on Fire Island really gets longer and longer each year as home owners stretch the season for as long as possible despite the weather. Although we only had one or two snow days, we did experience multiple rain and flooding events that caused significant dune and beach erosion as well as damage to the ADA ramp and some staircases. This winter’s coastal storms and tidal flooding are stark reminders that climate change is a reality and when you live on a barrier beach island you always need to be prepared. Believe me, those hip waders came in handy and hopefully we won’t need them in the near future.

Steven and Lisa Jaffe hosted a group of 17 of us for Seder on the first night of Passover, continuing what has also become a yearly tradition. I honestly do not know how Lisa managed to cook all that brisket much less lift it! When I picked up the box of brisket from the ferry for her, I had to ask Donal Winters to carry it to my cart. By the way, if you hear someone ask me for some crack, please note I am NOT a drug dealer but I do deal in matzo “crack,” aka chocolate covered matzo.

This is the first year that OBP did not have an organized Kentucky Derby event, so the Supples, the Brincats, and Steve and I watched the race with Kenny Klein and Diane Sweeney at their house. It turned out to be a daily double of sorts since Steve Placilla had the winning horse and we belatedly celebrated KK’s recent milestone birthday.

I am sad to report that several long time community members passed away. Kathy Trebing, aka Chatty Kathy, loved conversation and sunflowers, and Joanne Beermann was a member of the OBP FD Auxiliary since its inception and was often dressed in her signature lavender and Charlie Stack, who was always willing to help a neighbor, will all be missed.

Summer of ’24 in Ocean Bay Park is just getting started, there’s already so much happening and I’ll have a full report in my next column. In the interim, please remember to check the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors as well as the expiration date on your fire extinguishers. If you don’t have them, please get them because they save lives and property.

Barbara Gaby Placilla visited Fire Island as a guest almost 40 years go, realized she was home and never left. Retired from a career in global telecommunications, she is an, gardener, traveler, lover of cats and wedding cake designer. She has resides in Ocean Bay Park with Steve, her husband of 37 years.