Ocean Beach Beat

Where are the bench boys? They’ve been conspicuously absent of late, from their normal night-time perch outside the Flair House. There are a few theories and rumors going around but we recently caught up with Paul Rosenblum in the hopes of getting the straight scoop. Paul is a long time bench boy and former owner of the Flair House. After a nod to Mike Bobson, Paul confessed that the group had been steadily migrating toward morning meetings for the last few years. “We still enjoy watching the ladies,” Paul said. “But after sundown, we’re just too tired to look.” Paul just dropped a new song too. Ask him to share the link.

Next time you are out after sundown doing an evening lap around Bay Walk duck into the Historical Society for some respite. There’s rarely a crowd and you can bank on a warm welcome from your hostess Linna Salamone. The recent exhibit, “Lans and Lenses,” featured the work of a glass artist and two photographers. There was nothing ordinary about the works of these three women. Some were actually jaw-dropping. The exhibit wrapped up on July 30, and there is a change in plans for their itinerary in August. “Fire Island & Robert Moses” has been postponed. Instead, on Aug. 11 and running through Labor Day, the Society will present “The Wooden Boats We Rode,” chronicling the ferries of yesteryear. Historic photographs will be on display along with artwork created by Luke Kaufman, long time ferry company manager. His original hand drawn scenes depicting vessels some may still remember, will be available for your viewing and purchasing pleasure along with the works of other locals.