Ocean Beach: Matthew’s 50th

Matthew’s Seafood House
The extended family of Matthew’s Seafood House.
Photo courtesy of Rita Silver.

As I write this, Ocean Beach has already seen several days of heavy rain and impressive lightning. Hurricane Debby is slowly making her way up the coast to us, and I hope that by the time you read this, she will have decided to take her rain and destruction far out to sea, and we are all happily back on the sunny beach.


On August 2, the Ocean Beach Community Fund (OBCF) had to quickly pivot their annual gala plans as an approaching storm forced the celebration indoors. The community came together for a great cause, even with the uncooperative weather. Before the rain started, guests enjoyed a delicious raw bar outside and nibbled on appetizers provided by The Dunes. Winston Irie and The Selective Security Band brought the beach vibes, and DJ Fi-Ra played a mix of music in between to keep guests dancing.


On August 6, the weather again could not stop the party as Matthew’s celebrated their 50th anniversary! Staff, family, and friends returned to reminisce, dance, and take nostalgic turns behind the bar. Matt Morano, Jr. delivered heartfelt remarks to his father, Matthew Morano, Sr., and uncle, Vincent Morano, for their five decades of leadership and success. Current and former staff shared stories of memorable customers, parties, and traditions. I heard one theme repeatedly: Matthew’s was the best restaurant employment anyone had experienced, and staff loved the supportive management and a tight family feel.


I may have fangirled John Buchsbaum, whose name I’ve often heard in connection with the lifeguards and OBFD. He shared stories of seeing Billy Idol and his entourage downing fishbowls at Matthew’s and meeting Peter Frampton at Bocce Beach. I also enjoyed listening to Jen Moritz’s sister, Shonda, talk about how Jen has always been the same strong, helpful, and extremely kind person I see today. The party doubled as a birthday celebration for Amy Budzienski!


In other news, the Chamber of Commerce Welcome Center has reopened in the Boathouse and is currently hiring for one position. The Chamber recently added Diane Montes and Robert Cernelli, Sr. to their Board of Directors. Their leadership team this year is Chris Mercogliano and Scott Hirsch as co-Presidents, Jon Randazzo as Vice President, Mary Ellen Kelly as Treasurer, and Alex Matterson as Secretary. The Chamber presented the OBCF with a check for over $7300 for playground repairs, which was raised during the Chamber’s Top Toque event earlier this summer. The Chamber is working on its next event and welcomes new businesses to become members.


Thank you to Edith Charlton for letting me know that there are two kinds of community service volunteers: the ones I wrote about in an earlier column who are doing court-mandated service and students who need volunteer hours for high school graduation. So please do not assume, as I wrongly did, that everyone in a neon safety vest is atoning for a violation!