Saltaire Summery

 2020 just won’t let up. Virus, economic implosion, shark attacks and now a tropical storm, and it’s still only August. What’s next? Besides a canceled presidential election, I mean. In brief, it’s not a normal year, something not quite everyone seems to appreciate. Still, compromise, understanding and community spirit can work wonders. Or so they tell me.Immersed in that spirit, the SCA is contributing its might and mite by doing what it can to keep Saltaire Saltaire. On Saturday, Aug. 8 (rain date Aug. 9), they’ll host the annual sandcastle contest, between Broadway and Pacific, with judging beginning at 1 p.m. (With the justice courts closed, this may be the only judging you’ll see around these parts for quite some time.) Next Saturday (Aug. 15), they’re sponsoring the second bay and ocean beach clean-ups of the summer, with the pick-ups’ kick-offs starting at 10 a.m. from their respective Broadway redoubts. Best of all, the organization’s recruited folks who’ve been nurturing Monarch butterfly habitats the last few weeks. The caterpillars will shortly morph into their flutter-by form, winging about the village before swinging down to Mexico for the winter. This’ll add a spark of color and life to a summer sorely in need of both. Can’t wait.Meantime Ms. Kate is achieving small wonders with her library, as is Molly Davis with her resourceful camp program; attendance is strong and the programs imaginative. (To view their calendars, go to and click the appropriate links.) The playground’s open, and the Club’s managing to hold tennis tournaments with scores of spectators mostly masked if not duly distanced. The Village continues working to resolve several bothersome matters, from ferries and fall planning to e-bikes and e-lections, all to help safeguard our health, safety and quality of life in difficult times. In short, most Saltairians are coping and doing their bit for all and sundry.And for those yet complaining about missing a game or activity, remember that sometimes others suffer real losses. Last weekend our Village Treasurer, Donna Lyudmer, saw her house partially destroyed by fire; fortunately the fire departments’ quick response saved most of the family’s home and possessions, but it was nonetheless a traumatic event and it’ll be some time before their home is made livable again. The Lyudmers are fine, they’re all set, resilient and with a positive outlook. Beacons, and putting things into perspective, for the rest of us.