Saltaire Summery: Forecast of Events

Saltaire Sandcastles
Sandcastles in Saltaire.
Photo by Beth Batkiewicz.

This week’s paper marks the end of the run of weekly issues of Fire Island & Great South Bay News. After this, we revert to publishing only every other week, which means the columns maybe even more long-range and anticipatory. So, in anticipation of this, here are some things to anticipate in the fortnight ahead.

Most imminent is the SVFC’s annual Somewhat-Delayed-Fourth-of-July Parade, which will be held on Sunday, July 21. We should note that on the actual Fourth and its attendant weekend, the Company experienced an enormous volume of calls (at least two of which arrived within 30 seconds of one another – a not-uncommon occurrence, sad to say), and the volunteers responded as they always have, quickly and efficiently. It’s a tribute to their training and dedication, in a tradition stretching back over 50 years, so a good turnout, a few laurels, and hearty cheers along the parade route would be appreciated. Offer some personal thanks when you attend the post-defile hot dog fiesta to eat and drink and clamber over the equipment, not just for the food but for everything the department does to keep us safe and, when we become un-safe, to extricate us from harm.

In SCA news, we will recap Captain Al’s Annual Watermelon Party on July 28. Next comes the annual Artisan Fair, rounded out by the Bay Picnic and followed by fireworks on Saturday, August 3. SCA will dispatch a definitive schedule of times and events, and the SVFC and Public Safety will be on site. Then, the Jogathon will be on August 11, SCA’s final summer event, though more will follow in the fall.

On a rare municipal note, Village elections will be held on Friday, August 9—by chance, the fiftieth anniversary of Richard Nixon’s resignation on another, long-ago Friday. The incumbents are running unopposed. Details on registering and voting will be announced in weekly newsletters and can be found on the village website.