Saltaire Summery: Full Moon, Summer Solstice, Full Season

Waxing Moon Over Saltaire.
A waxing moon over Saltaire, New York.
Photo by Catherine O’Brien.

One way to tell we’re coming into full-season mode is that this issue marks the start of five straight weekly editions, something we of this recently-re-christened gazette haven’t seen in many a moon.

In the spirit of deadlines, foresight, and the moon, it’s also that time of year when, in keeping with tradition, we take note of the passage of the summer solstice, which will have occurred June 20, the day before this issue hits the stands and the stands, if they have a shred of self-respect, hit back. Meaning, just as we’re settling into another frolicsome summer, the sun begins its southward journey back toward the ocean, as measured by our unparalleled evening sunsets. By the time you read this, our native star will be ever so slightly to the left of where it was just the day before, night drawing nigh just that lone minute sooner, until, bam! Next thing you know, our maintenance staff is shoveling snow in the dark at 4:35 p.m. Just one of Mother Nature’s little admonitions to savor the summer because even as it starts it’s already disappearing. So keep those spirits high.

Segueing from that encouraging note, remember you have until June 30 to submit comments on FINS’s proposed changes to Fire Island’s driving regulations. The Village email you received has information on the process and how to comment, so if you dislike something, say something.

By the bye, speaking of emails, keep a lookout for Mario Posillico’s upcoming updates. Mario-grams are the most fun and informative dispatches ever dispatched with dispatch from the office. Other emails aren’t a patch on his batch of dispatches.

There are many ways to elevate summer spirits, one of which is by elevating exploding fireworks over the bay by West Walk after a tranquil August sunset. The program’s funded solely by public-spirited Saltairians who enjoy pyrotechnics that don’t involve calling in the SVFC to extinguish something, so add your mite to their might by donating to the Saltaire Events Organization to help the Gruccis keep their Guccis. Visit to make your donation.

With an ominous November looming larger than the Harvest Moon, have a happy solstice!