Welcome back, and if things seem a bit different, you’re observant enough to be a Fire Island News columnist. The paper has acquired a new owner, so we’re now officially the Fire Island & Great South Bay News, let us give them warm welcome!
On this occasion, I wish to note a personal anniversary, namely, that 2024 marks 50 years since I first started here as the Saltaire columnist. In 1974, I certainly never expected to have the pleasure of doing this for half a summer, let alone half a century. Yet, events ran their course and time zoomed by.
Saltaire has also evolved, but holds fast, to its traditions, even as the surrounding world has changed.
A few items of note to note, notably the Saltaire Volunteer Fire Company (SVFC) Memorial Day Pancake Breakfast take place on Sunday, May 26, 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., donations are cheerfully welcome.
Saltaire Market is open and with expanded pizza and bakery capacities, standing ready to do its part to expand Saltairians with assorted their irresistible offerings. A new salad station has also been added. The good doctors from Northwell Health will soon be docked in north Saltaire, ready to occupy their revamped digs at the elegant new 14 Bay Promenade, with the Post Office and Public Safety office to shortly follow. 2024 will also be the last summer summer to play in the old playground. While still functioning well, it is due to be replaced in the fall.
On an important civic matter, watch for updates on the coming round of public hearings about Fire Island National Seashore’s revised vehicle regulations. This is a crucial issue for every Fire Islander. The Village will help notify everyone once dates and sites are set.
This piece is being written weeks ahead of publication, an unusually long, though one-time, gap. Hereafter, however, the interval will soon revert to just a few days, and with additional issues planned this year, and future columns being as fresh as a cinnamon bagel just off the 7 a.m. ferry.

Hugh O’Brien has been Saltaire columnist for the Fire Island News since 1974. A lifelong resident whose roots on the island date back 115 years, Hugh has served in a number of community roles, including Chair of the Saltaire Citizens’ Association, Commodore of the Saltaire Yacht Club, firefighter, President and Secretary of the Saltaire Volunteer Fire Company, Vice President and Secretary of the Fire Island Association, and Saltaire Village Trustee. He currently serves as the 22nd Mayor of the Village of Saltaire. He and his wife Catherine live in the Atlantic Walk house built by Hugh’s parents in 1959.