So, Memorial Day weekend has come and gone, half sunny, half sodden, a typical mix of the local climate. The 2024 hurricane season has dire predictions, which of course hits its height in August through October, so we’ll have to wait and see which way the wind

That caveat covered, so far, so good, as the season got off without even a municipal election to create a buzz. (That’ll come, come August.) The SVFC held its Mem-Day pancake soiree and from all accounts and careful accounting everything from flapjacks to sweatshirts “sold like hotcakes” in salesperson-in-chief Tracey Zabar’s unintentionally ironic phrase.
The Yacht Club is open for business (tennis swinging, bar awash, kitchen cooking, sailing set to breeze in), as is the Market, as promised last time now boasting a brand-new salad station whence you can order (but not make yourself) a bit of fresh greenery to allay the guilt of buying a pizza along with it.
Other municipal components now in place include (noting the leaders of their respective packs) Village Lifeguards (Rich Wilde), Library (Kate Valente), SVFC (Josh Raeben) and Public Safety (Anthony Campos).
Guardians of the community’s healthcare and welfare checks, Saltaire’s paramedic and Northwell staffs, stand ready to combat any and all competing staphs that dare threaten to inflict afflictions.
As noted last time, both 14 Bay and the Arts and Crafts shed are nearing completion, with the former already occupied by both Northwell Health and Public Safety (PS), with the post office (PO) opening June 13. Signage is as yet incomplete so please note that primary access to Northwell’s primary care is off Broadway, not Bay (though you can also get there using the Bay steps). There’s a Northwell sign at the Broadway entrance, but so far no sign of signs on the Bay Prom side. Until installed, just remember the PS door is to the left, the PO to the right.
Lastly, the SCA has unveiled its calendar of events for the year, beginning with the sandcastle contest July 6, so there’s time for details later. However, composting goes on forever, so stick a Com-Post-It Note on the fridge as a reminder to check SCA’s website for info on events and training in the gooey art. It may not be easy going green, but we thought we’d plant the idea in your head.