The Arthur Lem Memorial Kismet Kids Snapper Derby

Arthur Lem Memorial Kismet Kids Snapper Derby 2024
A bullhorn is needed to get festivities in order in Kismet.
Photo by Kim Harris.

Arthur and Rose Lem, now reunited, are smiling down on Kismet to see their namesake snapper derby continue to thrive and all the children having such a great day. Community spirit is exemplified in this great annual Fire Island event, where every person and every child has a role to play and learns to fish for a lifetime.

Kismet Klassic!Photo by Kim Harris.
The lure of fishing.Photo by Kim Harris.
Bonding time!Photo by Kim Harris.


Souvenir t-shirts are an absolute must!Photo by Kim Harris.
“Give me a fish and I’ll eat for a day. Teach me to fish and I’ll eat for a lifetime.”Photo by Kim Harris.
Warren Lem, along with his wife Lee and their extended family are still active participants in the snapper derby.Photo by Kim Harris.