Fire Island Synagogue Holds Vigil to Remember Slain Hostages Israeli Hostages

Cantor Basya Schechter  Fire Island Synagogue
Rocky, Basya, and Yael lead Fire Island Synagogue in song and prayer.
Photo by Shoshanna McCollum.

Fire Island Synagogue in Seaview, the largest Jewish religious institution on Fire Island, responded swiftly, knowing this tragic event could not go without acknowledgment. In what otherwise would have been a blissful Labor Day Weekend on Fire Island, news

STANDING ROOM ONLY: Fire Island Synagogue was filled to capacity.Photo by Margaret Applebaum-Mazel.

reverberated about the recently assassinated Israeli hostages. So, mainly by word of mouth, they assembled a minyan to commemorate the six individuals whose lives were cut short on the other side of the world as the Israel-Hamas War now approaches its 11th month.


Fire Island Synagogue Cantor Basya Schechter led the impromptu service on Sunday night, September 1, accompanied by two musicians, Yael and Rocky. The trio sang in wailing chants of prayer and lament in the crowded synagogue temple.


Six yahrzeit candles were lit as Cantor Schechter said the names of the victims and said a few words about each of them: Hersh Goldberg-Polin, age 23, Alexander Lobanov, age 32; Carmel Gat, the oldest of the hostages, at age 40; Almog Sarusi, age 27; Ori Danino, age 25; and Eden Yerushalmi, age 24.


Father Edward Sheridan, Joe Macellaro, and Father Eric Fasano attended the Fire Island Synagogue service on Sept. 1. (Macellaro is also a FIN contributor.)Photo by Shoshanna McCollum.

Representatives from neighboring religious houses in Ocean Beach also attended as a show of solidarity. They included Fathers Edward Sheridan and Eric Fasano of Our Lady of the Magnificat Catholic Church. Trustees Virginia Lindsay, Linda Roach, and Joseph Macellaro, representing the Free Union Church, were also in attendance.


“How are these atrocities going to shape the next generation to come?” Sherwood Allen Salvan quietly reflected upon the conclusion of the service.


Hundreds of hostages taken on October 7 remain captive in Gaza. Calls continue to bring home those who remain alive and well.