A six-day stay, and five Fire Island properties to choose from. Who will be the winner? Photos courtesy of EAC Network.
The EAC Network is hosting the Fire Island House Fundraiser, aimed at giving Long Island business leaders the chance to, through the network, uplift New Yorkers and all communities they call home – from, according to their website, Rockland County to the East End and all five boroughs in between.
The EAC Network is a social service organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for our most at risk and underserved populations in the New York metro region, now celebrating its 50th year in operation.
It’s a simple process to donate to the fundraiser – and there’s a potential big prize. On Jan. 23, EAC Network will randomly draw the lucky winner who gets to enjoy a six-day stay in the community of Ocean Beach, as well as choose from one of five rentals summer house properties, each with attractive amenities.
The fundraiser is made possible thanks to the father/daughter duo Rodney and Dana Ragen, owners of 334 Walk LLC and Double R Contracting. The lucky winner will at one of five properties in the Fire Island.
Limited entries are available. Additional information can be found by visiting the EAC Network website.
This is an expansion of article published by Long Island Press, January 8, 2024. Additional information has been contributed by Fire Island News Editor, Shoshanna McCollum.