The Fifth Dimension’s 1967 smash hit “Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In” awakened the world to the startling revelation that we were entering a new astrological age. However, it would be decades before I understood the spiritual significance of the band’s moniker because I was clueless that we existed in a multi-dimensional universe.
Dimensions are different aspects of our perceived reality. As children, we recognized a one-dimensional object, measured in length, the first time we drew a straight line. We learned of two-dimensional objects by drawing shapes like triangles, squares, and circles, which possess length and width. We were always aware of three-dimensional objects around us, like our beds and toys, which have length, width, and height.
Three-dimensional reality is the world we experience with our five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. Most people spend their lives in this limiting third-dimensional realm of consciousness. This mental state is governed by fear, where the ego, with its illusions, reigns supreme. In this ego state, we live with a dog-eat-dog mentality, where money and material possessions take center stage. Third-dimensional reality traps us in a state of emotional alienation since love given and received in this realm is conditional, transactional, and controlling. The governing principle of the third dimension is the illusion of separation with its polarizing perspective of the world.
Beyond the three dimensions visible to the naked eye, many other dimensions exist in our universe. Physicists often consider the fourth dimension to be time, along with the three dimensions of length, width, and height. For over 100 years, mathematicians and physicists have speculated and theorized that the fifth dimension is an unseen micro-dimension of space. According to an April 29, 2023, article by Laurie Brenner in, scientists still disagree on how many dimensions exist, with some saying six or more and others saying ad infinitum.
As we go about our earthly journey, we will awaken to the profound realization that we are spiritual beings housed in a temporal body. This newfound awareness catalyzes our soul’s ascension from the third-dimensional material world to the fourth-dimensional metaphysical world and, ultimately, to the paranormal parallel universe known as the fifth dimension. We open ourselves up to the fourth dimension through mindfulness practices such as reading spiritual books, self-reflection, prayer, positive affirmations, meditation, yoga, being in touch with nature, and nurturing our artistic gifts. In this fourth-dimensional higher state of reality, fear begins to melt away as we come into our authentic power. The fourth dimension isn’t all “Happily Ever After” or a place without trouble. At times, we may still feel confused and afraid as we question our old ways of thinking and behaving. This is the “dark night of the soul” where we struggle to let go of our erroneous beliefs. However, we will experience glimpses of pure joy and bliss in this transitionary realm. Angel numbers, such as 1111, appear everywhere as a sign from on high that we are on the right transcendental path. Most of us toggle between the third and fourth dimensions on a day-to-day, if not hourly, basis.
In metaphysics, the fifth dimension is the realm where unconditional love is the guiding force. As you become more spiritually aware, you will live more and more in the fifth dimension. In this spiritual realm, your sixth sense awakens to the paranormal world of extra-sensory perception. You will have more synchronistic and psychic experiences, receive messages and signs from the Other Side, trust your inner self more, and communicate with higher dimensional beings known as spirit guides, angels, and ascended masters.
In our quest for an alternative reality, many turn to drugs and alcohol. However, these fleeting moments only keep us trapped in third-dimensional reality. Only through deep soul-searching, healing psychic wounds and traumas, treating the body like a holy temple, and living in a state of gratitude, positivity, and unconditional love will we experience heaven on earth by ascending to the higher dimensions of cosmic consciousness.
During the second half of the 20th century, the soul group The Fifth Dimension paved the way to a more transcendent existence with their powerful messages of love, peace, harmony, enlightenment, and positive transformation. As we enter the second quarter of the New Millennium, the universe will present us with many opportunities to embrace this new reality. In this magical Summer of Love, let the collective ascension begin!