SPIRITUAL BEACHCOMBING: “Soulmates: Platonic and Romantic”

Man and woman sitting by the sea kissing at sunset at Meloneras beach walk, Gran Canaria
Two hearts that beat as one is what we all search for.
Getty Images/JosuOzkaritz

Have you ever found yourself captivated by the enigmatic concept of soulmates? It’s a term often tossed around, but what does it truly mean? Let’s embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries of soulmates, which can be broadly classified into two groups: platonic and romantic. While the romantic ones may pique our curiosity, let’s not overlook the profound impact platonic soulmates have on our soul’s evolution.

The old English proverb, “Birds of a feather flock together,” and the modern expression attributed to the author Amy Lee, “Your vibe attracts your tribe,” encapsulate the idea of “like attracts like.” These catchy idioms hint at the existence of “group souls,” also known as “soul families.” Our soul family consists of a vast network of spiritual connections or soulmates we meet during our many lifetimes on Earth and in the realms beyond.


During our journey through life, we will encounter numerous platonic soulmates who are part of our group soul. These platonic soulmates manifest as friends, family members, neighbors, or coworkers. However, a divine conspiracy of Heaven and Earth, known as synchronicity, must align for any soulmate reunion to occur.


All soulmates experience a profound “recognition factor” when they first cross paths because they resonate with the same energetic frequency. Every fiber of their being registers a deep inner knowing that something extraordinary, perhaps life-altering, has occurred.


We have all experienced the comfort of soulmate friendships, those rare connections that feel effortless from the start. Even if we have been apart from these friends for years, we can pick up where we left off, as if no time had passed. This natural affinity and easy familiarity are the hallmarks of all soulmate relationships.


One of the most captivating aspects of soulmate relationships is the ability to communicate telepathically, a “sixth sense” phenomenon known as extrasensory perception or ESP. This mind-to-mind communication transcends physical boundaries and continues even after one of the soulmates transitions to the Other Side. The everlasting bond we feel for these kindred spirits is one of the defining features of these blessed relationships. Even if these individuals grace our lives only for a brief period, they leave an indelible mark on our hearts, souls, and minds.


We must acknowledge the heartrending truth that not all relationships last forever. Soulmates enter each other’s lives to teach or learn karmic lessons. Once these lessons are explored, some relationships may end, whereas others will last the duration.


The kind of soulmate many people long for and want to know more about falls into the romantic category. Just as we have more than one platonic soulmate, we have more than one romantic one. Soulmate couples love each other with their entire hearts, souls, minds, and bodies. They have intense sexual chemistry that never subsides because this electrifying attraction is not just experienced on a physical level. What fuels their fiery passion is the soulful bond they have with each other.


One common misconception about romantic soulmate relationships is that they will be all rainbows, butterflies, and “happily ever after.” Many of these relationships start like a fairytale, but this euphoric state can be short-lived.


Since soulmates are spiritual partnerships meant to help each other grow and evolve, this higher love tends to bring forth unhealed issues. This necessary but painful aspect of soulmate love can wreak havoc on the relationship. As a result, some people run away from their romantic soulmate, thinking, “I was fine until they came into my life.” To maintain soulmate love, people must commit to each other and commit to healing the issues that inevitably surface.


Both romantic and platonic soulmates are integral to humanity’s evolution. These holy relationships become a beacon of light for the world, showing us all how to live in peace, harmony, and joy.