Woman raising hands looking at the sky. Astrological wheel projection, choose a zodiac sign. Trust horoscope future predictions, consulting stars. Power of universe, astrology esoteric concept.
The Age of Aquarius.
Thanumporn Thongkongkaew, Getty Images.

In 1967, the Summer of Love was a social happening and a profound catalyst for spiritual awakening. It emerged in San Francisco, drawing tens of thousands of hippies to Haight-Ashbury to listen to rock music, rally against the establishment, and embody free love and self-expression. This love-in was more than a rebellion; it was a mystical experience that spread like wildfire throughout the country, particularly among the young. These prescient “flower children” heralded the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

The off-Broadway production “Hair” in 1967, followed by the Broadway production a year later, was a cultural milestone epitomizing the Summer-of-Love philosophy: “Make love, not war.” James Rado and Gerome Ragni’s hit song “Aquarius,” with its transcendental lyrics, became an anthem reflecting the changing times.

The summer of ’67 was a tangible testament to the universe’s transition from one astrological age to another. This process occurs approximately every two thousand years to aid and assist in humanity’s evolution. Like all astrological transitions, the shift from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius is gradual, making it challenging to pinpoint when one age ends and another begins. Edward Cayce, known as the “Sleeping Prophet” and the “Father of New-Age Thinking,” believed these two ages coexist, with some people clinging to the old epoch while others eagerly embrace the new one.

The Age of Pisces, which we are progressing away from, was marked by blind faith, dogma, and superstitions. It was an era where the material world held supreme importance, often at the expense of spiritual growth. In stark contrast, the Age of Aquarius beckons us to follow the guidance of our hearts, souls, and higher consciousness. It encourages us to seek answers in the spiritual realm, fostering a deeper connection with ourselves and the universe.

Humans evolve slowly; therefore, it takes thousands of years for the entire species to accept any major shift in consciousness. However, it is quite apparent that the Age of Aquarius is upon us as we watch all things metaphysical make their way into mainstream life. Yoga studios and New Age stores featuring tarot cards, crystals, and candles inhabit strip malls, public schools offer meditation rooms for their students, and spiritual books like Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power of Now” continue to be best sellers. Mediums and psychics appear regularly on reality shows, and movies and television series routinely feature esoteric themes. More amazingly, people talk openly about angels and spirit guides and how they believe that people can commune with those who have crossed over to the Other Side.

One of the most fascinating aspects of the Age of Aquarius is the profound realization that people can become “monks” in everyday life. To live a spiritual life, it is no longer necessary to live on a mountaintop or in a monastery or to renounce our worldly existence, as was the practice in the Age of Pisces. Instead, this New Age expects us to be great beacons of light, spreading love and goodwill as we go about our daily lives. During this New Age, more and more people will recognize that they are spiritual beings housed in a physical body. We will know the Age of Aquarius is well underway when the majority of the human race learns what the universe has been striving to teach — that only love is real and only love matters.

To sum up the difference between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius, think of the former as the Dark Age of Fear and the latter as the Light Age of Love. During this New Age of Love, there will be more soulmate couplings and a global recognition of cosmic consciousness, the collective sense of affection, affinity, and oneness for all God’s creations.

That long-ago, iconic 20th-century Summer of Love left its indelible mark on the planet. As we observe the troubling world events surrounding us, the 21st century could use a love fest of its own. With a little collective effort, 57 years later, Long Islanders can make 2024 the new-millennium Summer of Love. As the days grow longer and warmer, open your heart and radiate love, peace, and joy wherever you go.