DAVIS PARKBy Cathy ShislerThe notion that being near the beach makes you feel happy and healthy is not new, it’s true. Having your own house at Davis Park is even better. There are some reasons that go beyond just relaxation. Of course sand between your toes and the crashing of the waves is great for relaxation, but the beach itself provides excellent health benefits. We all have heard about the benefits of vitamin D through exposure to sunlight. While vitamin D is readily available for free from sun exposure, people are surprisingly deficient in it. It is essential for bone health, creates healthy skin and may help improve mental health. Just 15 minutes of unprotected sun exposure is enough to get what you need. Please lather up with sunscreen after that.Another health benefit is that the sand is a natural way to exfoliate. Walking on the sand feels great on your feet. There are between 3,000 and 7,000 nerve endings in each foot that awaken when you walk across the grains of sand. Wet sand helps peel off dead skin cells from your feet making them softer. So take a nice walk near the ocean’s edge to keep the skin clean, healthy and rejuvenated.Studies show the minerals in the ocean could help reduce symptoms for rheumatoid arthritis sufferers. Patients who use bath salts made from Dead Sea minerals also experience fewer symptoms, like morning stiffness and problems with hand gripping.Do you notice people seem to be happier during the summer months? Sunlight is linked to decreasing depression as well. A study conducted by the Baker Heart Research in Melbourne, Australia, found that the amount of sunlight participants received directly affected their mood. They also noticed that increased sunlight exposure boosted their levels of serotonin, having a positive effect on factors such as stress, sleep and appetite.Another health benefit of the beach is that the seawater preserves elasticity of skin. The ocean is full of minerals that can counter the decline of your skin’s elasticity. So get in that ocean water!The beach can also be a great place for physical activity, whether you’re swimming, jogging, running, surfing or playing Frisbee or volleyball. Just walking the beach is better than walking on the concrete as walking on sand requires 1.6 to 2.5 times more mechanical work than does walking on the concrete at the same speed.I think the number one benefit of the beach is that it decreases your stress level. It’s great for the mind, body and soul. So put down your cell phone and tablets and head to the beach. A short walk on the beach is also known to decrease stress and help you reset.So I guess a beach house at Davis Park is the answer. If you are just staying a week or lucky enough to stay for the whole season it can be the ultimate decompressing from the stressing.photo 1Community NewsThe mosquitoes were so bad over the past two weeks that even though I drowned myself in bug spray they managed still to get me through my clothes! Every Tuesday Davis will be fogging the community from 6-10 p.m., so please step inside for a few minutes when they arrive in your block.Dolphins were spotted in the ocean again this year, and they were a sight to see!The reception of Irene Vitale’s sublime artwork last Sunday, July 24, was a huge success. Irene is the featured painter in this year’s Davis Park 2016 poster. Check out her works at irenevitalefineart.com, you will be glad you did.Kudos to the Casino, they were named a Fire Island Hot Spot recently in Newsday. I also must mention a shout out to the Casino Grill for the fish tacos that I ate on a Friday after my long day of cleaning houses, washed down with a Malibu punch. Check out their band line up this weekend.The sand castle/sculpture contest takes place July 30. Please download your entry form at www.davispark.org if you have not already done so. The contest runs between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. on the ocean between The Casino and Windward Walk. (Rain date will be Sunday, July 31.)The Davis Park annual swim will be Saturday, Aug. 6, from 1-2 p.m.Please stop on by the post office for your 2016 Davis Park stickers and magnets for sale.