FAIR HARBORBy Emily S. BrafmanI’d like to start off by wishing Nicky Wyatt, the amazing little boy who made me a mommy, a very happy 8th birthday. Nicky was born one month early and on Aug. 12, 2007, I almost gave birth to him right here in Fair Harbor. If it wasn’t for my wonderful and very smart friend, Colette Sandler, Nicky probably would have been delivered by the FHFD and though I’m sure they would have done a great job, I was quite happy I made it back to NYC!In honor of Nicky’s birthday week, I am dedicating this edition to the kids of Fair Harbor! As we all know there is no better place to be a kid then here. In my opinion the best thing is the independence that kids get to experience here. By the ripe old age of 5, they can ride around town on their two wheelers. They can pick up bagels at The Pioneer. They can meet their parents at the park or play four squares while their parents are close by at sunset.It’s August now and there is a new crop of families vacationing in Fair Harbor. It’s the busy season and I’d love to give you some things that can’t be missed during your stay in Fair Harbor. First and foremost, swimming lessons at the bay. Call Ashley 631-413-1793 to schedule your child’s daily 30-minute lesson. Being a good swimmer is a must on our island! Make sure you and your kids swim in front of the lifeguard stand at the ocean. Once your child is an efficient swimmer and can jump off the ferry dock and tread water, think about sailing lessons in Dunewood. It is one of my favorite childhood memories and my kids are loving it this year for the first time. Lessons are held at 1, 2, and 3 p.m. daily. Just take a ride over to the sailing dock past the Dunewood ferry dock and you are all set!Now for evening activities, Wednesday is movie night in the firehouse. Lolly Boyer runs the event and when I asked her why she chooses to organize this event she said, “Because it was done for me when I was little.”Movie night has been happening for more than 40 years and it is still the most exciting night of the week. Not only do the kids have a fun event but also moms and dads get to enjoy a little alone time. I recommend dinner outside at Le Dock with friends! Be sure to make reservations! Le Dock has a great kids menu for $9 making dinner out on a Saturday night a great family event.The teenage years on Fire Island can be tricky but Fair Harbor is stepping it up with some fun teen night events planned. There has been teen movie night as well as game-night so far. I have heard rumors of a karaoke night and I’m hoping for a teen dance — another one of my fondest memories from my childhood.That brings me to young love. Many love matches have been made in Fair Harbor. The romantic sunsets are a perfect place for love to blossom. As you can see, I love the children of a Fair Harbor and I am one of their biggest advocates.That being said, I am putting out a plea to all the young entrepreneurs of August and their parents: There are many people including myself who love and cherish sunset at the dock. Sitting on the railing enjoying a cocktail with a clear view of the setting sun is our nightly tradition. We ask the wonderful children to go to the right side of the dock. If the children go to the right and make room for the adults to enjoy sunset, I truly believe that we can enjoy all that the dock has to offer in harmony and your sales will skyrocket! Thank you in advance.Finally, I want to cordially invite you to my first reading of “I Know a Place: A Fire Island Story,” my children’s picture book. I will be at the bay reading and signing my books at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 15. I hope to see many Fair Harbor children and their families there!As always, have two weeks filled with fun in the sun and feel free to e mail me at fairharbor@fireisland-news.com