Kismet Kapers: July 4th a Little Later

Kismet Sandcastle Contest 2024
An Olympic winner for the Kismet Sandcastle Contest 2024.
Photo by Beth Batkiewicz.

What a delightful weekend, weather excepting. Saturday dawned wet and ugly after Friday night’s fierce storm. At 8 a.m. the beach was deemed too wet for Yoga, the skies were gray and the ocean wild. By noon there were 13 teams in three categories busy sculpting the now perfectly damp sand for the 6th Annual Sandcastle contest. The result was many forts/castles, sharks, dolphins, turtles, and a replica of Team USA and the Olympic rings. Judges Linda and Janet with Maddie deemed “Under the Sea” winner in the adult’s category, “Team USA” in the family category, and “Turtle Mural” in the Children’s category to be recipients of huge baskets of goodies funded by donations from Kismet residents. Linda K. and her crew carried the unique Sandcastle flag for each winning team.

Sunday’s weather was hot with 100% humidity, not the best climate for babies and young children to be costumed and seated into or onto wagons. Still, there was no crying, and the ride around walks of town was exciting and relatively short. This historical parade, in its 51st year, is always a tribute to the enthusiasm of parents and families who spend hours creating theme-based floats from everyday wagons. The lighthouse on Way Way Yonder’s “Kismet Coast Guard” float was made of layers of plywood, paper, and two days of work and was almost too tall to clear utility wires on Seabay Walk. There were 11 “major” floats, numerous smaller wagons, and decorated baby carriages. Award plaques were given in five categories: The “Barbie” float was judged Best in Show; the “Kismet Coast Guard” was the Most Historical; the “Inside Out in Kismet” was the Most Topical; “Kismet Lobster Bake” was the Most Creative; and “Red, White and Bubbles” was the Most Patriotic. The parade ended at the Bay to honor the flag and our country’s birth. Saoirse Ryan sang the national anthem, followed by a salute to our neighbors, the U.S. Coast Guard.

Afterward, the crowd milled through the Kismet Firehouse to buy raffle tickets and KFD t-shirts and enjoy traditional barbecue fare. Raffle winners included Brittany Mooney for the “Wagon of Cheer,” “Team Arthur” of “Gener-Az-tions” for the 50-50 raffle, and Denise Wilson for the KLAW (Kismet League for Animal Welfare) bicycle.