Pets and Their People Go to Cherry Grove

tully jodi and angela before the beach300
Tully, Jodi, and Angela at the beach overpass.
Photo by Ava Cregg.

Ava took a water taxi to Cherry Grove, a community where its residents adore their pets. One can’t help but smile when looking at this batch of photos. What community will Ava visit next? That’s a secret for now. Stay tuned!

Toby,Jackie, Ryan, and Joe on Lewis Street.Photo by Ava Cregg.
Malcolm and Chuck by the Cherry Grove Firehouse.Photo by Ava Cregg.
Jules, Sarah and Kyle at Cherry Lane.Photo by Ava Cregg.
Bongo Drums and Fye at the Ice Palace.Photo by Ava Cregg.
Bureen, Amy, Leif, Stella and Maximus near the Grove Hotel.Photo by Ava Cregg.
Halo and Christopher.Photo by Ava Cregg.